Release Notes
Keep track of the changes and updates for the myBiros API.
While we strive to do our best to evolve our product and APIs, we want to ensure maximum stability. Therefore, updates containing potential breaking changes will only be released in two cases:
- the release of a new API version (e.g., v0 -> v1)
- within the same version, only for features marked as
Version 1
Release Notes (Nov 19, 2024)
We are excited to announce the release of a new version of the myBiros API! This update brings improved performance, enhanced features, and greater flexibility for integrations.
- API Versioning: From this release, the API now supports versioning for better compatibility
and smoother updates.
Base API path:
- New revision_status:
-> Document Revision Status -
New API Endpoint to change revision status of a document.
Introduced a new feature to summarize, at document level, the result of inference in both Sync and Async Inference Endpoints. ( Experimental )
- Introduced new params to customize inference response.
- Introduced a new internal low priority queue to handle bigger PDF.
- Redesigned the internal scheduler to grant a more fair distribution of resources for Async Inference.
- Breaking Change : Get Inference Result now has a new dedicated status code and response based on document status.
Breaking Change : Changed request parameters in Get Inference Result and Inference Sync.
Increased PDF pages limits as follows:
- Sync Inference: 10 -> 15
- Async Inference: 10 -> 50
- Note: we have introduced a low priority queue to handle PDF with a number of pages [11, 50] and to ensure a fair use of our ai model resources. While is now possible to process PDF with up to 50 pages we recommend to keep PDF small, up to 10 pages, to optimize the processing time of your files.
Version 0
Release Notes (Sept 11, 2024)
- New API Endpoint to retrieve service information.
- New API Endpoint to delete a document uploaded on Platform.
Release Notes (Jul 9, 2024)
First release of myBiros Platform API