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Aggregated Entities Object

The aggregated_entities field is a property of the document_page_object and contains both extracted and not extracted fields, defined in the service_fields, from the processed document page.


this contains only fields that have tag_aggregation defined.

Each property within aggregated_entities represents the identifier of one of the defined service_fields, and the associated value can be either a list of AggregatedEntity objects or a single AggregatedEntity object, depending on whether the field has multiple values or not.

    "aggregated_entities": {
        "purchase_line_1": []


The properties value type (object or list[object]) are fixed and will never change.
if purchase_line_1 is configured as multiple_values: true you can always consider purchase_line_1 type as list[object].

Aggregated Entity Object


Schema: Aggregated Entity Object
Key Type Description
id integer a page unique ID assigned to the aggregated_entity
aggregated_fields object an object containing the aggregated entities
Schema: Aggregated Entity Object > aggregated_fields

aggregated_fields follow the same directive of entities but with a significant change on the property type.

Key Value Type Changed Value Type Description
<property> object | null list[object] | object one of the property ex: name_1, purchase_line_1

In other words aggregated_fields property values could be or an object or null.

Example of entities

aggregated_entities example with single and multiple values
    "aggregated_entities": {
        "purchase_line_1": [
              "id": 19,
              "aggregated_fields": {
                "id_number_3": {
                  "id": 1,
                  "text": "1035759673",
                  "confidence": 98.45,
                  "bounding_boxes": [
                      [160, 875],
                      [261, 875],
                      [261, 888],
                      [160, 888]
                "id_number_4": {
                  "id": 8,
                  "text": "1",
                  "confidence": 96.57,
                  "bounding_boxes": [
                      [930, 870],
                      [937, 870],
                      [937, 883],
                      [930, 883]
                "id_number_5": null